Hispanic American Auto Buyers

Every year the Hispanic population in the U.S. grows by about one million people.


Today, Hispanic American consumers account for $27.9 billion in registered new vehicle transactions, representing 11% of the total market - an astounding figure no matter how you look at it, and one that is continuing to grow.


Viant partnered with Millward Brown to publish a study focusing on U.S. shopping and media consumption habits among Hispanic Americans. The report, which drew on trends across verticals and device types, produced some interesting auto-related consumer behavior findings:


  • Luxury segment purchasing grew 16% among Hispanic Americans from 2014-2015
  • Hispanic American vehicle shoppers are 2x more likely to find mobile ads persuasive
  • Digital video plays a much greater role in brand consideration for Hispanics
  • Hispanic vehicle buyers are much more social in response to advertising


With questions on the report's research findings, or for press and media inquiries, please contact Viant's Marketing & Communications team at marketing@viantinc.com.